Thursday, May 26, 2011

Finally getting somewhere

I'm finally getting some much needed work done on this site. As you can see it is nothing special just a simple wiki/blog built from pieces of Google services to make it cheap, quick and dirty.

I'm still working on cleaning up the upgrade engine so that I can share it on here. At the moment it still contains lots of code that is program specific for my use. I'm wanting to make it so that it can be simply added to any spreadsheet and used pretty much as it stands.

I've got other chunks of code that I'm evaluating for usefulness for my brethren. So look forward to a little more being added over the next month or two.

I'm currently not doing anything in the way of coding at the moment other than maintaining the large 150 pages of macros for a single spreadsheet. Yes, I do know that I should have just wrote it all in another environment as OOo is brutal with that much code.

I've still got some fixes to get in the works for it but for the most part the program works as needed.

One thing that has helped make my process much simpler to track is ToDo List. I use a portable version of it from John Haller has packaged several apps that have a place on my computer and thumbdrives.